In your honour (B) – DHC Roermond (NL)

In Your Honor: a real Foo Fighters experience!

“If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s gathering people together to do something fun.”
Dave Grohl

In 2014, six musicians came together to hold tribute to one of the greatest bands in the last 2 decades: Foo Fighters. From the first note until the last, In Your Honor releases energy onto the crowd that will never escape you again. A set that approaches a real live Foo Fighters set, including genuine live performances!
On stage, In Your Honor combines pure power with subdued, passionate moments that only true fans of the music could deliver and perform these songs in the exceptional way you would see and hear them at a Foo Fighters live show! A playlist consisting of over 30 songs, more than 2 hours of non-stop amusement on stage, a charismatic Dave Grohl-look-alike, 3 guitarists, a bassist and a drummer who all merge perfectly into a full-blown tribute!

Maarten Dejonckheere: Vocals
Yoni De Pauw: Drums
Stéphane De Nys: Bass, Backing vocals
Laurens Schepkens: Guitar
Timothy Van Heurck: Guitar
Frederik Van Cauwenberge: Guitar

In Your Honour